Geographical and Gender Disparities in the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Burkina Faso
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Type: Publication
Topic(s): CRVS
Burkina Faso
Date Posted:
Jun. 10, 2021
Louis Niamba
Despite efforts made by Burkina Faso to improve its civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems, there is a long road to reach universal civil registration. Only 49.4 percent of births, and only 34.3 percent of deaths in health facilities, were registered within the two-month legal deadline for registration in 2017 (DGMEC 2018). In contrast to births and deaths, there are almost no national statistics on marriage registration in Burkina Faso.
In light of these statistics, this study aims to contribute to improving completeness of vital events registrations in Burkina Faso by highlighting factors and barriers that limit birth, marriage, and death registration.