World Bank Group

The GFF is a country-led partnership hosted in the World Bank. It provides technical assistance and funding to partner countries through grants from its dedicated multidonor trust fund (the GFF Trust Fund, which pools funding from donors). GFF technical assistance and catalytic grants are operationally linked to large amounts of World Bank International Development Association (IDA) and International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) financing to maximize impact.
Linking GFF Grants to World Bank Financing:
- Unlocks additional financing to achieve more funding and better results
- Supports World Bank projects with flexible funding for analytical work, stakeholder engagement and implementation support
- Promotes multisectoral actions by linking funding to Education, Gender, Social Protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
- Fosters a broader dialogue within the government and across the country-led platform to drive action on health system reforms and domestic resources mobilization
- Enables better outcomes by using a method in which funds are disbursed to the government based on results achieved
The GFF’s Catalytic Effect on World Bank Financing
As of June 30, 2022, the GFF Trust Fund has committed a total of US$817.5 million for 45 GFF country grants in 36 countries. Of this, almost US$796 million combined with an additional US$5.7 billion in World Bank IDA and IBRD financing, has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. See GFF Annual Report for more details.
The GFF’s collaboration with the World Bank over the last seven years has led to more World Bank IDA financing for the health of women, children, and adolescents. Following the GFF engagement, between FY2015 and FY2022, IDA lending for the health of women, children, and adolescents (RMNCAH-N) rose by 10 percent, resulting in $1.7 billion in additional financing for GFF partner countries specifically focused on women, children, and adolescents.