Health worker and patients. Chad. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank
Press Release
Aug. 6, 2021
The World Bank Provides $90 million to Improve Health Care Access and Quality in Chad
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Warsame Gure/World Bank
Press Release
Jul. 22, 2021
Somalia’s Women and Children are Among the 1.84 Million to Benefit from Improved Healthcare Services
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July 21 Newsletter cover
Jul. 12, 2021
GFF & Partners Launch SRHR Acceleration Plan; Gates Foundation Pledges Up to $100 million to the GFF
Read More July 2021 Newsletter
Press Release
Jun. 3, 2021
The World Bank Approves $100 million IDA and $15 million GFF Financing to Boost COVID-19 Vaccination in Mozambique
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May 11, 2021
Global leaders pledge more than US$ 200M to kickstart GFF’s campaign to tackle COVID-19’s secondary health crisis for women, children and adolescents
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Nurse preparing a vaccination at the Meshwalekiya health center in Kirkos, Ethiopia. (Photo: World Bank Group-Michael Tsegaye)
Apr. 27, 2021
Unlocking the Power of the Private Sector to Build Resilient and Equitable Health Systems
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Les femmes et les enfants subissent de plein fouet les effets collatéraux de la crise sanitaire, comme Noluvuyo Gadela et sa fille Siamtanda à Khayelitsha, dans la banlieue du Cap © Tommy Trenchard/PANOS-REA
Apr. 9, 2021
[Tribune] L’Afrique ne doit pas laisser le Covid-19 annuler des décennies de progrès dans la santé
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This statement was developed in collaboration with and on behalf of the 370+ members of the CS coordinating group and youth constituency of the GFF.
Mar. 25, 2021
Civil Society and Youth Statement on the GFF Resource Mobilization Effort
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Media Contacts

Sheryl Silverman: 
Nansia Constantinou: