The objective of the Health Sector Support Project for Bangladesh is to strengthen the health, nutrition and population (HNP) sector's core management systems and delivery of essential HNP services with a focus on selected geographical areas. There are three components to the project, the first component being Governance and Stewardship. This component focuses on such foundational priorities, specifically in the areas of governance and accountability, as well as on health sector financing.

A key foundational priority is to improve governance and accountability systems, including for citizen engagement. To this end, the project will support further development of the MOHFW’s system for patients and their families to communicate complaints and grievances. The second component is the health, nutrition and population systems strengthening. This component will focus on foundational priorities that relate to further development of core sector management systems. Under this component, a major area of focus for the project will be system reform and development, including financial management, procurement, supply chain management, and asset management. Finally, the third component is the provision of quality health, nutrition and population services. This component will support the government to address major elements of this unfinished agenda, with results focused on maintaining gains, achieving still higher levels, improving quality, and reducing inequalities. 
